There are several communities within Mughalpura area and the pressure of population on inadequate infrastructure resulted in acute problems of health, sanitation, education and environment. Under such circumstances educated youth and a few elderly persons organized themselves in a community-based organization to work for the welfare of the population. This group identified their major problems as health and medical facilities. Therefore, they decided to setup a free dispensary in this area and constituted on organization under the name of ‘’Social Welfare Society Mughalpura”, Lahore on January 26 , 1956.With this humble work for the uphill of the community 48 years ago had paved the way for a ‘’Social Welfare Complex’’ as of today.


Under the motto of ‘’SELF HELP’’ as far as possible NGO is constantly endeavoring to raise funds from its own sources, through the community participation, but sometimes departmental grants are also accepted to supplement its requirements.

The sources of income areas under:-

  1. Monthly subscription by members.
  2. Donation in cash & kind from community and philanthropists.
  3. Zakat, Sadqat and Fitrana.
  4. Skin collection on Eid-ul-Azha.
  5. Grant-in – aid from Social Welfare Department (Punjab)
  6. Punjab Bait-ul-Maal and Women Division, Govt. of Pakistan.
  7. Income from Activities.

NGO’s Property and Assets

All the services institutions of the NGO are housed in its own buildings constructed on free hold land.

Name of External Auditors

External auditor is approved by the Executive and then the General Council. The accounts for the year under discussion were audited by Messers Jawed Chuadhary and Company Chartered Accountants.

Click here for download “Social Welfare Society Mughalpura Audited Report 2019 – 2020

Click here for download “Social Welfare Society Mughalpura Audited Report 2020 – 2021

Click here for download “Social Welfare Society Mughalpura Audited Report 2021 – 2022

Annual Report

The annual Report at the close of each financial year is regularly published by the NGO.

Click here for download “Annual Report 2018 – 2021

Click here for download “Annual Report 2021 – 2022

Name of the Bankers

  1. Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. Moghalpura, Lahore
  2. Habib Bank Ltd. Moghalpura, Lahore.
  3. United Bank Ltd. Moghalpur, Lahore.
  4. Bank of Punjab Lahore Cantts.


  1. Fiscal & Calendar year July June
  2. Monthly Executive Council Meeting.
  3. Approval of Monthly accounts.
  4. Presentation of annual audited accounts.
  5. Budget approval by the general Council
  6. No privilege to members or office bearers.
  7. No political affiliation.
  8. Top Level management is being carried out by the dedicated Social Workers voluntarily.