SOCIETY COLLEGE OF COMPUTER SCINECES “Woman Empowerment Project of SOCIAL WELFARE SOCIETY MUGHALPURA” established in 1993. In 2012, it Affiliated with Punjab Board of Technical Education – PBTE
Registered with Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority – TEVTA moreover Registered with Punjab Skill Development Authority – PSDA now in 2022.
The mission of the Society College of Computer Science is to benefit society particularly the Women through providing computer education. We facilitate and educate outstanding student to become creative members of Society.
To become a centre of excellence nationality and internationally committed to provide quality computer education and skills to produce useful workforce for the community.
- To provide market compatible specific skills in the field of Information Technology.
- To provide and organize opportunities for the continuous training of the faculty and staff of the organization.
- To organize and conduct seminars and workshops in order to provide the updated knowledge to the trainees in the fields Information Technology.
- To focus on the character building of trainees so that play vital role in the development of society.